Financial Advisor Rankings – Can You Trust Them?

Should you trust a financial advisor ranking publication to help guide you in your choice of an advisor?

The Financial Advisor you are considering is ranked in Barron’s 1,000 – Is this a “all-clear” signal?


Your Investment Advisor (Registered Investment Advisor – RIA) is ranked in the Financial Times Top 1,000 – does this mean they are actually one of the best?

Advisor Ranking Can You Use Them? (link here for our report)

In this new report, we share with you our investigation into the Top Advisor Rankings.

Can you trust the rankings? What should you consider when you see an advisor is ranked? How should you, the investor, navigate the top advisor rankings to find what really matters to the decision you are going to make about your money and your future.

Moenio is a client-advocacy firm focused on helping our clients find a great financial advisor, broker, banker, family office or wealth management firm. We offer customized searches specific to our clients needs so the advisors they choose match the needs of the family. With over 600,000 registered advisor in the United States, how do you know yours is one of the best?